
Weekly Cleanings

Maintaining a pool can be a lot of work, but you don’t have to be the one getting worn out from pool maintenance!

Owning a pool shouldn't bring you more trouble than fun and relaxation. Let us take the worry and work out of your pool with our weekly service!


At a flat-rate price that includes not only cleaning and testing, but also chemicals and supplies, your weekly maintenance costs will never fluctuate. It also includes the True Blue promise, meaning that if anything goes wrong, we will take care of it to make it right. Quality maintenance along with our full-service store means we’re your one-stop-shop for your pool and patio.


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Flat-Rate Price

Our flat-rate price covers the basics and more. You won’t be buying chemicals anymore because all of the necessary chemicals are included. In fact, at the end of each cleaning, you will receive an emailed report of all of the chemical readings we did that day, which keeps you informed about the healthiness of your pool. 

We clean your skim baskets and take care of all the netting, brushing and vacuuming to keep your pool looking beautiful. This full-service option means that owning a pool is worry-free for our customers!


Emailed Report

Your emailed report doesn’t just include the chemical readings of your pool. It also includes a list of all of the cleaning and maintenance tasks we performed as well as a picture of how we left your pool when we were done.

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Prices That Never Fluctuate

One of the best things about Spartan maintenance and cleaning is that your prices never fluctuate! You never are left wondering what you’re going to have to spend on your pool this month. When we say flat rate, we mean it! 

Weekly Cleanings
Clean pool and spa.
Brush water line, steps, ledges, seats.
Skim/net pool and spa.
Empty skimmer baskets, pump baskets.
Empty auto cleaner.
Backwash filter.
Clean filter cartridges when needed.
Pool water analysis.
Treat water with chemicals needed to maintain proper water chemistry.